Working in Korea

Tips form alumni

In this program, we invite the alumni engaged in different line of work and industries so that you can network with them

About the program

1. Special lecture on different areas of work.
2. Introducing how they prepared to become the expert in their current line of work.
3. Sharing relevant information.
4. Q&A session
5. Networking between students and their senior alumni.


Every semester


Employment assistance (02-880-1359,

Job camp for SNU students

This is the intensive and practical program designed to help you become prepared for all stages in finding a job, from document screening to interview.

About the program

1. Special lectures on the latest recruiting trend and talents that the employers want to hire.
2. Special lectures on writing an impressive application and resume.
3. Alumni mentoring on the strategies.
4. Aptitude test for occupational interests.
5. Special tips on the interview strategies that will get you a job.
6. Interview role plays
7. Image consulting for the interview
8. Mock interview by type (character/practical, debate, presentation, English interview, etc.)


Summer and winter break


Employment assistance (880-1359,

Expert lecture

This program invites the experts in their line of work to listen to their stories and thereby explore the work in depth.

About the program

1. Lecture on better understanding of various line of work.
2. What is required to become an expert.
3. Vision and future of the job.
4. Introducing how they prepared to become the expert in their current line of work.
5. Q&A session


5 times annually (April, June, August, October, December)


Employment assistance (880-5065,

Global career camp for female students

This program helps female students to review their career competence, enhance their adaptability in the organization, overcome ceilings and improve their leadership skills.

About the program

1. Boost confidence by meeting with the successful role models.
2. Analyze the hiring markets.
3. Learn about the image-making for the interview.
4. Improve competitiveness in the interview simulation.
5. Form a close support system between female students.


Once a year (August)


Employment assistance (880-5065,

Open lecture for job seekers

This program focuses on enhancing your competitiveness in the job market by preparing yourself for the hiring process (document screening, interview, etc.) via lectures and one-to-one coaching sessions.

About the program

1. Tips on writing a good application and resume.
2. Lecture on the occupational aptitude.
3. Training on interview speech (one-to-one coaching).
4. Learn about the image-making for the interview (one-to-one coaching).
5. Special lectures on different types of interview and mock interview.


Twice a year


Employment assistance (880-5065,

Occupational aptitude test

This program gives you an opportunity to effectively prepare for the aptitude tests given by different employers.

About the program

Mock SSAT by Samsung, Mock HKAT by Hyundai Motor Group, etc.


Twice a year


Employment assistance (880-1359,

SNU Power-up!

This program offers expert lectures and practicum to help you enhance your competitiveness required from students, employees and members of the society.

About the program

About the program
Human Skills Interpersonal relationships, etiquette, image-making, communication 1st semester
Job Skills Planning, presentation, speech 2nd semester


Every semester


Planning Team (880-2516,

Business start-up camp, SNU Start-up!

This program shares crucial information required to start up a business, helps enhance your competence and offers the networking opportunities between the to be and the current business owners.

About the program

1. Special lecture by the founding CEOs/experts.
2. Business modeling.
3. How to write the business plan.
4. Mentors for those thinking about the start-ups.
5. Team project presentation and review.
6. Business start-up assistance programs.
7. Time for networking


Summer and winter break


Planning Team (880-2516,

Global Leader and CEO Lecture

This program invites leaders and CEOs from different sectors and industries to listen to their advice and experience so that you can better design your career and prepare for yourself in the job market.


Twice a year


Planning Team (880-2516,

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