
Subject and Category

    • Understanding the World of Career and Career Design
    • General elective

Provided and managed by

    • 1. Provided by: Faculty of Liberal Education
    • 2. Managed by: SNU Career Development Center


    • Every semester

About the class

1. Lecture
2. Presentation and discussion
3. Group counseling
4. Guest lecture

Schedule (※ The course schedule may be changed for each semester)

WEEK 1 Orientation and career assessment (MBTI, SII) WEEK 9 Understanding the occupational world I – Interview
WEEK 2 Understanding the occupational world of the 21st century (Lecture, group counseling 1) WEEK 10 Understanding the occupational world Ⅱ – Occupational world 1
WEEK 3 Understanding the career development (Lecture, group counseling 2) WEEK 11 Understanding the occupational world Ⅱ – Occupational world 2
WEEK 4 Understanding yourself Ⅰ – Talent (Lecture, group counseling 3) WEEK 12 Understanding the occupational world Ⅲ – Sharing job information
WEEK 5 Understanding yourself Ⅱ – Personality (Lecture, workshop) WEEK 13 Setting the career goal (Lecture, group counseling 7)
WEEK 6 Understanding yourself Ⅲ – Occupational interest / set of value (Lecture, group counseling 4) WEEK 14 Final assessment (Lecture, group counseling 8)
WEEK 7 Future design Ⅰ (Lecture, group counseling 5) WEEK 15 Final report and presentation
WEEK 8 Understanding the occupational world I – Preparing for the interview (Lecture, group counseling 6)


  • 1. Attendance (40%) / assignment (40%)
  • 2. In-class participation (20%) - Presentation, discussion, group counseling
  • 3. Non-pass (U)
    • - If you fail to submit an assignment (To pass, all 4 assignments must be submitted).
    • - If the average of the assignment, attendance and in-class participation is below 70.
    • - If the professor and the group leader agree that you compromise the quality of the class and group activity.

Information for the students

1. Hours : Friday 14:00 – 17:00
2. Classroom : Room#208, Building 152-1 
3. TA : Room#204, Lotte International Education Hall (Building 152-1) SNU Career Development Center (880-2576)
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