
Subject and Category

    • Global Internship 2
    • General elective

Provided and managed by

    • 1. Provided by : Faculty of Liberal Education
    • 2. Managed by : SNU Career Development Center


    • Every 2nd semester

About the class

By sharing the experiences with the internship programs at global companies, international organizations and public institutions, we offer you the opportunity to learn more about getting jobs in Korea and overseas in a more systematic manner. The credit for this course is based on the report and presentation by the students on their internship activities.

Schedule (※ The course schedule may be changed for each semester)

WEEK 1 Orientation WEEK 10~11 Presentation Rehearsal
WEEK 2 Internship to Job : Making the Connection WEEK 12 Final Presentation and Evaluation
WEEK 3 Overseas Job Market Trend WEEK 13 Mentoring Session
WEEK 4 Global Companies Recruiting Trend WEEK 14 Meeting with Global CEO
WEEK 5~9 Presentation Skills
Presentation and Evaluation
WEEK 15 Grading and Final Class Evaluation


Attendance 40%, assignment 30%, presentation 20%, participation 10%

Information for the students

  • 1. Hours : Friday 10:00 – 12:00
  • 2. Room#207, Building 152-1
  • 3. TA : Room#202, Lotte International Education Hall (Building 152-1), SNU Career Development Center (880-1354)
    • - This course is S/U; there is no make-up course.
  • 4. You get 'U' if
    • - You did not submit the internship certificate from the relevant institution.
    • - You did not submit the practice report (final activity report).
    • - You did not attend the final presentation.
    • - You were absent for 5 or more classes.
  • 5. Others
    • - Overseas internship: you can apply for the class if you have completed at least 60 hours of internship overseas.
    • - Internship in Korea: you can apply for the class if you have completed at least 90 hours of internship in Korea.
    • - Before you apply for the class, you must consult with SNU Career Development Center about acceptable internship institutions and relevant conditions.

Cheating or violation of the behavior expected of the students

1. Attendance-related : will be processed as 2 absents.
2. Assignment-related : will be processed as 'U' and reported to the college of the student.
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