Career Design

After the test, you will have your test result interpreted at the time we have assigned for you.

When you have applied online, come to SNU Career Development Center (Room 205, 152-1, Lotte International Education Hall) between 9:00 – 18:00 on weekdays (at your convenience).

This is the fundamental stage in which we determine our career and design our future. The standardized test helps you obtain the objective understanding of your personality and job preferences. Apply for the assessment to take the test, which will be interpreted to help you find out more about yourself.

MBTI Myers-Brings Type Indicator

Based on the psychological types proposed by C.G. Jung, this personality preference assessment helps you understand yourself and your strength and weakness in light of your social life, human relationships or such. By taking advantage of the four different aspects of your personality, you will be able to have a stronger and more positive sense of yourself and better design your future.

STRONG Strong Interest Inventory

This test is based on the pattern of the people’s interes in different career, measuring the degree of interests that need to be considered in the process of choosing your career, so as to enhance your occupational satisfaction and continued interest. It provides insight into the activities you value most; occupations and environment suited for you; and the kind of people you enjoy speaking with.

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