Working in Korea

One-to-one job consulting, Worried about jobs? Find a solution with us. Before you apply for the counseling session, please check the following.


  • Apply online

  • Consultant assigned

  • Booking over phone

  • Consulting begins

1. One 50-minute session per week.
2. Ten sessions per individual (the next session to be determined by the consultant and student).
3. Open to current students, students on leave of absence, and graduates.
4. After 7 days (excluding weekends and public holidays) of lodging your online application, the counselor will check your application and contact you to book a time. (Please make sure your contact number is accurate.)


1. Self-evaluation Identify your own strengths, weaknesses, interests, aptitude, etc.
2. Set the goal Select the job/company according to strengths, weaknesses, interests, etc.
3. Action plan Make a plan to find a job and review thoroughly.
4. Resume review Help prepare and review the resume and applications (may be replaced by the online application clinic).
5. Interview coaching Understand the purpose of the interview and good interview skills.
6. Follow-up Tips for new recruits and business etiquette.

Employment assistance (02-880-5065,

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