Career Design

Meet the career counselor one-to-one to think about the obstacles to making a decision, prepare for your future career effectively and make a plan. Counseling is not about giving you an answer it is about talking with the counselor to find the solution together.

Meet the career counselor one-to-one and talk about your concerns to find the solution. This session will allow you to think about the obstacles to making a decision, prepare for your future career effectively and make a plan. Search your personality, set of values and occupational interests; understand the occupational world; identify the strengths and weaknesses of the options and set the direction for your career.



Counseling process

1. One 50-minute session per week.
2. Ten sessions per individual (may be up to 20 sessions after discussing with the counselor).
3. Open to current students, students on leave of absence, and graduates.
4. After 3 days (excluding weekends and public holidays) of lodging your online application, the counselor will check your application and contact you to book a time. (Please make sure your contact number is accurate.)
5. Think about your concerns and agendas you wish to discuss before you fill out the application form.
6. Because there are many applicants, it may take some time to book a counseling session.


Career counseling (02-880-2576,

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